Beaufort Capital
Portfolio Companies
A few examples for companies in which we have invested. If you would like even more details on any of our portfolio companies in particular, please click on their logo to be taken to their website. (New window.)

N26 offers 100% digital banking - simple, transparent and secure. The focus is on a user-friendly app that simplifies life with the help of innovative technology. N26 helps make banking and life easier.
N26 was founded in 2013 to set new standards in an industry that remains inaccessible and dysfunctional for many people. The vision: to revolutionize money management and make banking better - using the latest technologies and the brightest minds from around the world. Since then, the N26 team has grown to more than 1,500 employees from 80 countries working in our 10 offices around the world.
2021 N26 cracks the 7 million customer mark and announces Series E record funding round of $900 million, bringing N26 to a valuation of more than $9 billion.
Whether by land, air, or sea, we give you true end-to-end visibility of your shipments across the globe.
Stay in control of supply chain logistics with item-level precision, and without expensive infrastructure or workflow changes.
Owning all three points of a fully-integrated platform—hardware, software, data—gives you end-to-end visibility and unmatched granular insight into your shipments across disparate networks.

H2 Apex
APEX Group is a leading developer of hydrogen power plant solutions in Germany.
The complete system is operated CO2-neutral by a 2 MW hydrogen system which supplies heat and electricity. APEX offers the full setup of complete H2 infrastructure individually adapted to the respective customer consumption needs.
Housing associations and commercial businesses, network operators and municipalities can embrace a new era with APEX – welcome to the world of hydrogen!
NSW Nordseewerke GmbH
Manufacturer of heavy steel structures and hydromechanical equipment located in Emden. Founded as a shipyard in 1903 and been part of ThyssenKrupp from 1976-2010, the Company and its employees have gained significant expertise in shipbuilding and submarine construction.
Refounded in 2015 as an asset deal out of the insolvency. The product and service portfolio (on- as well as offshore) comprises: Manufacturing and assembling of steel towers and transition pieces for offshore wind turbines as well as foundations (jackets, tripods, piles), Partner for substations: steel construction and assembly of foundations, base frames and piles, Heavy steel structures for the industrial sector such as pipes and rotary furnaces.
Exit 2018

proALPHA Group
proALPHA is a successful vendor of ERP software solutions and related services primarily aimed at medium-sized companies in its core market Germany.
Since breaking even in its third year, in 1995, proALPHA has remained constantly growing with growth rates clearly above industry standard. It is competent at navigating the shorter R&D cycle and rapidly-changing waters of e-business.
Exit August 2013
snom technology AG
snom AG develops hard- and software for voice communications over data networks. Today, snom is a recognized technology leader in VoIP-based telephones. snom AG, founded in 1996, is a pioneer. Developing enterprise solutions for VoIP communications, it constantly innovates and in the past has introduced many 'world firsts'.
Unveiling new technology yet again at CeBIT 2009, it is clear that snom is fully in control of its research and development, and will thrive in the growing technology business. snom AG was amongst the winners of the Deloitte Technology Fast 50-Award in 2007 and 2008.
Exit August 2014

Cideon AG
CIDEON AG is a market leading holding company with subsidiary businesses in engineering, software development, and software services. The company is specialised in the implementation of CAD, PDM (Product Data Management) and PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) systems. The company also offers enhanced development and constructions services.
With a dedicated team of 260 engineers, it has constructed rail cars and various automative components, designed solutions compatible with SAP manufacturing systems, and created digital process chains in various subfields of Computer Aided Design. It has expanded to other European countries and will continue to build its main business lines.
Exit September 2013
getemed AG
Getemed Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG is a system provider for portable monitors for vital functions and non-invasive "ECGs“. All products are compatible to hospital management systems and tele-medical systems.
getemed was founded in 1984. Innovative and adaptable, it has won awards in business and design. Telemedicine and home health care are opening new dimensions in healthcare – getemed intends to respond with mobile healthcare solutions, reducing the risk for those who require constant monitoring yet wish to retain a quality of life.
In the past, getemed has grown considerably faster than the rest of the medical device market with its strong sales force and trained distributors. Building on success to date, getemed will actively participate in shaping new markets with innovative solutions.
Exit September 2013

Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG
Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG concentrates on dust and gas emission control and measuring systems, e.g. emission control in concrete industry, power stations, combustions plants and foundries.
The Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG was founded in June 1991. It offers the full services of planning, installing and servicing measuring systems for monitoring of environmental air pollutants. It has built its customer base to include power plants, chemical and metallurgical plants, crematories and finally combustion facilities for waste, biomass, sewage sludge etc. Its ambition is to seize the burgeoning environmental concerns of society to increase its business value in the future.
Exit August 2012